EGREG has been developed and upgraded by a pool of IT, grants and financial experts while working on the field and managing grants projects funded by different donors. Having this deep experience, our experts can provide support and assistance, not only in setting-up and using the software, but also in designing and implementing the whole grant programme; this includes:
1. Revising and adjusting calls guidelines and application forms to be easy to understand and use by applicants, as well as to facilitate the management, monitoring and auditing activities of the managing authority during and after the projects implementation.
2. Customisation and localisation: as each grant fund may have its own templates and rules, our development team, supported by our grants experts, can customise and tailor the system to the specific needs and rules of the fund including a multi-lingual interface and the calculation of KPIs needed by the managing authority.
3. Hosting on secure servers with complementary services like backups.
4. Technical support and maintenance: added to the traditional maintenance services, we continuously collect notes to enhance the user experience and deliver updates of the system to better fit the expectations of users.
5. Training: Webinars and/or hands-on training can be organised for all groups of users and starting from the information sessions. Users manuals can be delivered in languages requested.
6. Online assistance: Users (from all groups) are provided with a Help Desk facility to submit their enquiries, both technical and administrative, to a backstopping team ready to answer their questions.